WSC 7.02/7.03 Release Notes

19 May 2022 and 16 June 2022
Release 7.02/7.03 of Web Survey Creator has been very focussed on some performance and technology enhancements for the platform, but we have managed to sneak in a few other changes as outlined below.

Matrix Validation Style Changes

Card Sort & Text

Duplicate Filters

Matrix Vertical Text

Terms & Conditions Statistics

MY CATI Merge Symbols

Conversion of Drafts

Banners and Distribution Title

Image Searching

Matrix Validation Style Changes

We have added additional validation styling to Numeric and Text Grid question types. If any cells fail a validation due to missing or incorrect data, those cells will recieve a red border.
Grid Cells Validation
Multiple mandatory validation methods for cells are available when editing a grid type question.
Grid Cells Validation
The common-validation-color style has been modified to include the colour of cell borders, simply add a custom colour to your survey theme.
Grid Cells Validation
Grid Cells Validation
Other styles can also be adjusted in the theme to allow for specific control of elements shown in the matrix validation. For example:-
.wsc_cell-validation {
    background-color: #ff000014;

.wsc_input-validation {
    border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 3px;
    border-color: var(--common-validation-color);
Grid Cells Validation
The previous example validates based on both Once Cell in each Column as well as a minimum length of 5 Characters for each piece of text
Grid Cells Validation

Card Sort & Text

With the Card Sort question, we had previously allowed text to be used instead of images, but the amount of text displayed was limited. We have now expanded the capabilities and allow longer text to be used. The text will be dynamically wrapped and resized to appear on the card in a best fit approach.

You can choose between either images or text for the card sort but cannot include both.
Card Sort

Duplicate Filters

Filters can now be duplicated. This is very useful if you are building a series of similar filters and just need to copy them and make minor changes to the conditions. You can simply select the filter to be duplicated and then click the duplicate option.
Duplicate Filters

Matrix Vertical Text

There is now the ability (on versions supporting theming) to style the vertical text on matrix headings. Regular CSS styles can apply including colours and changes to the rotation angle. In addition, content tags for Bold, Italics, Colour and other types affecting the styles of heading are also supported. By default, vertical requested text will appear in the same font as regular choices, transformed to be rotated 180° from right to left. If the language does not support or is inappropriate for vertical text it will appear as normal text, as it has previously done.
Vertical Matrix Headings
.wsc_vertical {
    -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl;
    -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    white-space: nowrap;

.wsc_vertical img {
    -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl;
    -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    white-space: nowrap;

Terms & Conditions Statistics

Many customers utilize the Terms & Conditions question type to ensure their respondents are aware of the terms and conditions that surround their participation in the survey. Usually, the Terms & Conditions question is marked as mandatory, and their participation in the survey requires an affirmative answer to continue. However, occasionally it can be used optionally, and in these instances, customers have suggested being able to see the statistics around its answer in a similar way to other statistical questions is appropriate. We have now expanded the question to provide standard statistics like other questions.

The Analysis Overview will be initially shown as a Column Chart:
Terms and Conditions Statistics
but can be set to be a Pie Chart
Terms and Conditions Statistics
Summary Statistics in the Response Export will also generate appropriate data. Pivot Tables and Portals will also work with the Terms and Conditions Statistics
Terms and Conditions Statistics

MY CATI Merge Symbols

There are new CATI Merge Symbols which can be used in MY CATI for users with CATI features. These allow access to all the Respondent details including Address so that they can be referred to in Introduction Paragraphs.
MY CATI Merge Symbols

Conversion of Drafts

For customers on versions that support Conversion of Draft Responses to Completed, the Percentage Complete is now logged with the response. This means you will see how much of the response was completed after you have converted it.
Conversion of Drafts
This detail is also exportable in Response Exports:
Conversion of Drafts

Banners and Distribution Title

Many clients use multiple survey distributions to control different sectors of the survey process. For example, if you have a multi-region survey you might wish to have a different distribution for each region, so you can control survey opening and even the theme or other elements. You can now include the Distribution Title in Data Piping and merge symbols for banners, which will allow you to control the look and feel of the survey based on the distribution title.

Have multiple Distributions, each with their unique and relevant title
Distribution Title
Include the data piping code of [@DISTRIBUTIONTITLE@] in text or other elements with the survey:
Distribution Title
and include the merge symbol {DistributionTitle} in the banner to customize the look of the survey banner
Distribution Title
this will then show on the survey as follows:
Distribution Title

Image Searching

Some clients will have accumulated hundreds of images in their catalogue, using them for content, choice and row images, etc, in their surveys. In some cases the number of images reaches into the thousands. We have now included an image search for the selection of question based images, where applicable. This means you can search for part of the name of the file and will be shown the results that contain that text.
Image File Search

Fixes and Enhancements

  1. [BUG] Changes to touch events for Other Specify controls (#2141, #2236)
  2. [ENH] Technology Platform Changes (#2142)
  3. [BUG] Email templates and themes with decline and survey links (#2160)
  4. [ENH] Database Performance Changes (#2176, #2269, #2270, #2295, #2296, #2297, #2298, #2317, #2320)
  5. [ENH] Additional logging for various reports (#2197)
  6. [ENH] Survey Performance Changes (#2205, #2290)
  7. [ENH] Card sort and text images and multi-line (#2217)
  8. [ENH] Newsletter Subscription Changes (#2218)
  9. [ENH] Matrix Validation Style Changes (#2220)
  10. [ENH] Survey flows based on dynamic search/textlist (#2222)
  11. [BUG] Text List Searching Placeholders (#2225)
  12. [BUG] Dropdown List Dynamic Search and Page Flow (#2227)
  13. [ENH] Uploading files on slow connections (#2234)
  14. [ENH] T&C Question and statistics (#2237)
  15. [BUG] Hide Question Text Checkbox for numeric question (#2241)
  16. [ENH] Matrix Questions and vertical text as CSS (#2243)
  17. [BUG] Bulk update of choices and HIDDEN, SPECIFY, EXCLUSIVE (#2245)
  18. [BUG] Choices Service Tasks Logging (#2246)
  19. [ENH] Distribution Title Merge Symbols, Data Piping Codes and banner images (#2247, #2300, #2316)
  20. [BUG] Other specify field hover and focus (#2249)
  21. [BUG] Choice Exclusive clicks adjustments (#2250, #2345)
  22. [ENH] Original completion percentage for responses converted from draft now reported (#2252)
  23. [BUG] Filters for distributions with no conditions (#2254)
  24. [BUG] Data Piping Value on REDIRECT (#2255)
  25. [BUG] Large Text in EXCEL (#2256)
  26. [BUG] Survey languages with long names (#2257)
  27. [BUG] Exclusive and grids and pivots and clicks (#2258)
  28. [BUG] Pivot Matrix and Comments (#2259)
  29. [BUG] Respondent Address and Event API Survey to Survey (#2261)
  30. [BUG] [CATI] Update Country in CATI address (#2262)
  31. [BUG] Time Taken per Page Tab and come-back codes (#2263)
  32. [ENH] [CATI] Merge symbols for Address (#2264)
  33. [BUG] Recall Code Interface in Distribution and Non-Cookie Method (#2265)
  34. [BUG] Allow Comments for All Choices checkbox visible (#2266)
  35. [ENH] Show Values of Choices on Choice Links Browse (#2267)
  36. [BUG] EMail <link:mailto> doesn't properly allow subject= (#2268)
  37. [BUG] Missing test in Email Message sending (#2271)
  38. [BUG] Event API and validation of email addresses (#2273)
  39. [BUG] Edit a Question Row and large number of pages (#2274)
  40. [BUG] Edit Page and large number of pages (#2275)
  41. [BUG] Culture and Numeric formatting and validation on switching languages (#2277, #2288)
  42. [ENH] Duplicating Filters (#2279)
  43. [BUG] Heatmap and pick a second language (#2280)
  44. [BUG] Clear an email address question (#2281)
  45. [BUG] Portal with single question and filters and heatmap rendering (#2284)
  46. [BUG] Email Messages and bounce address replicated sender details (#2286)
  47. [ENH] [CATI] Instructions Zone, buttons and integration symbols (#2291)
  48. [BUG] Survey Images and Resources save settings (#2292)
  49. [BUG] Demographic Address Search formatting changes (#2294)
  50. [ENH] Select Images Search for Questions (#2301)
  51. [BUG] Survey Embed and MIME TYPE (#2302)
  52. [BUG] Adjust support for Browse onBeforeUnload Message (#2304)
  53. [BUG] Browsers incorrectly requesting a translation of embed preview (#2305)
  54. [BUG] [CATI] Job Browse Style Changes (#2306, #2307)
  55. [BUG] Logo and clicking upload and save (#2308)
  56. [BUG] Terms and Conditions Scripting Access (#2310)
  57. [BUG] NPS Email Distribution Template (#2311)
  58. [BUG] Vimeo Video Playcount and Previous Button (#2312)
  59. [ENH] [CATI] Limit Respondent Tags Available to Surveys that are not archived (#2314)
  60. [ENH] [CATI] Appointments shown but clicking a show appointments link (#2318)
  61. [BUG] Delete Survey Distribution with responses and pivot tables (#2319)
  62. [BUG] Invalid file type when uploading custom summary template (#2321)
  63. [ENH] Datapump and process data piping symbols (#2322)
  64. [BUG] Heatmap comments box and right-to-left languages (#2323)
  65. [BUG] Portal language box defaults to original language when others are selected (#2326)
  66. [ENH] Security Changes (#2327, #2329)
  67. [BUG] Text Analytics processing changes (#2330)
  68. [ENH] Update to the description for text analytics (#2331)
  69. [BUG] Convert from Draft and Percentage Complete on Unstarted (#2333)
  70. [BUG] Page History and NEXT PAGE and INCOMPLETE Termination (#2334)
  71. [BUG] Styles for choices and text and centering (#2336)
  72. [ENH] New Australian Post Code Text List with State Grouping (#2338)
  73. [BUG] Numeric Grid Validation (#2341)
  74. [ENH] Sort order of tags in exports (#2342)
  75. [ENH] SPSS column widths now default to 4 for choice, grid and ranking style questions and 12 for numeric questions and grids (#2344)

Past Updates

Release 7.01 featured changes to enhancements for Exclusive Choices, Drag & Flag, Heatmaps, Archiving (MR) and more.. Find out more...

Release 7.00 featured changes to overview charts, Choice Images and Text, Text Lists, Survey Flow and more.. Find out more...

Release 6.01 featured changes including Password Strength, security enhancements, Numeric Range Validations and more.. Find out more...

Release 6.00 featured changes including exports for Business Intelligence, Pivot Table Pie Charts, Matrix Card Stack, Google Map connected points, numeric formatting and more.. Find out more...