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Getting started in WebSurveyCreator

You've created a account... So what's next??

Getting around

Where is everything and how do I find it? Where can I get more help if I need it? We'll show you how the system is setup and where to find help, documentation, FAQs and more...

Creating your first Survey

What steps and decisions do I need to make and what do I need to know? We'll take you through the process of creating your first survey.

Adding content to your survey

Now that I have a survey in place, what do I do next? We'll show you how to add content to a survey for a common question type.

Getting around

Navigating around is really simple. We've designed it to have consistent navigation.
  1. Top Level Navigation: The big ideas of My Surveys, Contacts, Support and My Account
  2. Tabs: Top Level Tabs for major items — My Surveys, Categories, Resources, etc — and then sub-items for each level.
  3. Toolbar Icons: Actions or Processes that are relevant for the entire page — Add Survey, Filter, etc
  4. Action Buttons: Actions for the items on the browse — Archive, Export, Delete
  5. Browse Items: Data for the page — Click on linked-items (underlined) to drill down further
  6. Check Boxes: Select one or more items and then use the Action Buttons
  7. Browse Navigation: How many items to show and then navigate through the pages to see more items
Need more help? Check out the other TABS on the Support and Feedback page.
  1. Reference: Our complete reference and getting started guide
  2. Scripting: If your account has access to Scripting, this guide will provide information on scripting, javascript and accessing and working with survey data, pages, question and more
  3. CATI: Our complete guide to CATI. Getting around, your first CATI survey and much more
  4. FAQ: Frequently asked questions, videos and much more
  5. Glossary: Your universal translator for words, phrases and terms in WSC

Creating your first Survey

Creating a survey is really easy. Just click the Create Survey icon on the My Surveys Toolbar — 3 above.
You'll get a screen which will ask you a few questions.
  1. How to create the survey: You can choose to start based on an existing Survey, a Template or from blank.
  2. The Title: Enter the title of the Survey.
  3. Terms and Conditions: Sometimes your surveys might need legals terms and conditions or rules or instructions.
  4. Theme: We have a bunch of pre-built themes to make your surveys look great.
  5. Category: You can categorize your survey to make it easier to find.
  6. Language: Need to do multi-language surveys? Start with a base language and then add more languages for a true multi-lingual experience.
  7. Response Type:
    • Do you know the participants?
    • Do you want people to complete your survey Anonymously?
    • Do you want Anonymous participants to be able leave a survey half-finished and come-back-later and complete their response?
    • Are you wanting to undertake a 360° review process?
    Pick the option that best matches your circumstances.

Adding content to your survey

Once you have created your survey you will be placed in the Survey Designer. From here you can
  1. Tabs: There are Top Level Tabs for major items of the Survey Design — Design, Distribution, Analysis, Log etc — and then sub-items for each level.
  2. Page Navigation Toolbar Icons: Allow you to navigate across your survey's pages, add pages, etc.
  3. Action Toolbar Icons: Change Themes, Logos, Navigation Settings, Languages, etc.
  4. Add Content: Select one of the content types to add to your Survey Page
  5. Action Buttons: Add or Edit a Page — Copy, Move, Group Questions, etc.
Once you have selected a content type (Question) to add to your survey page you can
  1. Question Type: Select from question types that are compatible with your selected question type
  2. Question Text: Enter Question Text for the question that will appear on the survey page
  3. Properties: Enter properties like Choices that will change the nature of the question
  4. Action Buttons: Take actions on the question type, such as loading from a Choice List
  5. Style and Properties: Change Sorting, Randomization, Mandatory, and other properties of a question
  6. Save Content: Save your question
Question Information
Our video tutorial guide contains information about all these topics and much more...